Sunday, March 13, 2011

9 miles

Yesterday was our long run of the week--9 miles! We've been trying to hold back our pace a bit on the long runs, like all of the training websites tell you to, and yesterday was the first time we were successful at it. My thoughts about slowing down? It was horrible! I thought it might be so much easier, but, in fact, it was harder from the very beginning. Granted my legs started off a bit tired from a walk the day before that turned into a run because I was short on time (wearing Converse and jeans, instead of my preferred running shoes and pants). But still, I don't think that was enough to make my legs as tired as they were during this long run. Luckily, my legs recovered very quickly, which means we still haven't reached the relative training difficulty we had when training for our last half marathon. Back then, our first 5 mile long run left us sore for the rest of the day and was SO HARD to finish!

Overall, this run went well. Now our numbers are growing even more and we hve the potential to have 9 people on some of our runs. Craziness!


brittney said...

yeah, it is crazy. Sorry! Also, I'll be interested to see how 10 goes. Are you going to try anything specific pace-wise?

MandaMommy said...

Honestly, I'd like to ust run it at a normal pace--not slow but not fast. But maybe I've done too good a job promoting the slooooow long run??