Saturday, August 27, 2011


Today's race:

1) I forgot my Garmin!!!

I felt so naked without it and so ignorant! We started off really fast, and couldn't really maintain that pace for the entire race, but we don't know how much we slowed down because we have no record of the splits. :o( I'm a big fan of the Garmin, but it may be because we didn't have it that...

2) We totally smashed our goal again!

My buddy and I split off at the end, but we both came in under 2hrs 5min! My time was around 2:03:30, with an overall pace around 9:25min/mi. That is more than 6 FULL minutes less than our goal! Wow! I'm so excited about that! And boy can I feel it! My hips and legs are sooooooooooo sore and creaky.

All in all, I am VERY happy that we ran that race and ran it fast. It was really hard work, but worth it! Whatdya think...can I get it under 2hrs sometime next year? That would be a pace of 9:09. Yikes!


Amy said...

We are awesome!

brittney said...

you guys ARE awesome. What a great time!! and YES, you could do sub 2. I believe in you. All it takes is choosing 3 different times to sprint for a little bit, enough to shave off 1 min. Sounds sorta easy, right?

Martie said...

I am impressed! Way to go, ladies!!