Monday, October 3, 2011

Another 20!

Last week was our maximum mileage week, pre-marathon. This week our taper starts, although the only thing different between this week and last week is that our long run this week will only be 10 miles, instead of 20 like last week. It's kinda crazy, but we have another running buddy now who will be running our marathon with us. She came along on our mid-week 9 miler less than two weeks ago, after running 2-3 miles 5 or 6 times a week. The 9 miles were no problem, and neither were the 7 miles we did two days in a row after that. She came on our 20 mile run with us on Saturday and had to run ahead of us because running so slow hurt her knees. Then she would stop and wait for us anytime there was a fork in the path. haha I just have to laugh at that. Some peoples' bodies were just made for running in a way that mine was not! But it's okay. I'm cool with not being so fast.

Anyway, the 20 miler went really well for me! My original marathon buddy had a tougher time for this one (to balance out the fact that it was the other way around for 18 miles?). I came into this run with the intent to have as many calories and drinks of water as my body desired and to make sure I took in something every few miles. I started off drinking some sports drink (here's a shout out to my mother-in-law! She can hook you up if you want to buy some.) and a banana. Then I brought 4 Fig Newtons, several grapes, a Gu AND about 24 more ounces of sports drink. I ingested all but a few of the grapes during the run PLUS more water from water fountains along the way. The night before I had burritos stuffed mostly with rice and beans (and some meat). Not the carbo loading I would have normally done, but it was our courtyard welcome to the beginning of another school year event and that's what was for dinner. It seemed to work out ok. So, anyway, all of those calories seemed to work out great! Around mile 15 or so my legs were already protesting but I never hit the wall for the entire 20 mile run which is pretty freaking amazing. Sorry for the pseudo swear. You're lucky it wasn't worse! haha Anyway, I'm feeling pretty optimistic after that run but I know based on my experience from the other marathon that a good 20 mile run does not make a good 26.2. On Saturday I felt like I could have run the entire marathon without a hitch, though, so I'm going to have to say this 20 mile run was even BETTER than to 20 mile run in my first training. Woohoo! Cross your fingers that my running buddies and I will ALL be having a good day when the marathon comes!

1 comment:

Martie said...

YOu can do it, all of you!!! Can't wait to hear your report!
