Confession time: often when I get up in the morning, I don't feel like running or going to the gym. This is why exercise buddies are awesome. We drag ourselves out of bed and into the sometimes cold and sometimes not quite light outdoors because we know there are people out there waiting for us. In order to not exercise at my pre-planned exercise time, I would have to 1) give people a valid excuse beforehand, or 2) give people a lame (and therefore embarrassing) excuse whenever, or 3) make them wait out in the sometimes cold and sometimes not quite light outdoors until they figure they've waited long enough and I'm not coming. I particularly dislike getting started in cold weather. And by cold I mean anything under 50 degrees.
BUT, I am here to tell you it is SO worth it! After you've warmed up and gotten into the flow of things, you feel so much better! And then you are so glad you went. And your day is so much better--happier and peppier and sappier. Just kidding on the last one--I just wanted another word to end in -ppier. Anyway, at least I feel that way. And I really think most people do, once they've gotten into the routine of regular exercise. So, go exercise!
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