About 3 years ago, we kind of revolutionized our diet and started eating only whole foods (aside from special occasions). We made everything with whole wheat (bread, muffins, cookies, pizza, etc), we avoided eating white rice (didn't really use brown though, so rice was just something we avoided), we made some of our own cheese, and we were using a CSA box for a while of this. This was the same period of time that I dropped my baby weight from Ally really rapidly, so I can't help but feel like it's at least a bit correlated. That diet revolution gradually faded away until now, I've only ground wheat about 3 times in the last year! What's up with that?? (Okay, I was pregnant and had a little tiny guy to worry about...) And the last time Peter made his delicious granola? When we ran out of oats a couple months ago.
Anyway, I've decided that it's time for another revolution. Time to get back to whole foods! We already do a decent job of it, but some of the prepackaged foods have crept back into our diet, like occasional Ritz crackers or Goldfish. I don't think those are so horrible (especially goldfish), but I'd really like to get back to the point where none of our food is coming from a box.
So, to start off, we need to make more homemade granola! And I need to look up great meal and snack ideas that are healthy and whole. We already eat plenty of cheese...and eggs...but I think we need to explore some alternative grain options. Let me know if you have any ideas!
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