Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm Going to Run a Marathon!

There's no going back now! I just signed up for the Seattle Rock 'n' Roll Marathon on June 25!! Yikes! This means if I wuss out, I just wasted $130. If I get injured, I wasted $130. (That one is forgivable though.) I'm actually running a marathon! By myself! My running buddies will run whatever training runs with me that they're able to, but I will inevitably be doing some big training by myself. Wish me luck! I have less than 10 weeks to go.


Katie B. said...

Way to go, Amanda! You're awesome. Is anyone else thinking of joining you in Seattle? How fun to have a running blog!

Redford Writes said...

Should I run it with you? That's way more ambitious than I've ever planned on. Maybe I could come and do half of it with you.

Amy said...

I'm so impressed.

Peg Lewis said...

We'll babysit!

Martie said...

How exciting! I always wanted to do this. Break a leg, girl!

aaron and joni said...

hooorrrayyyyy!!!! Congratulations my dear! I'm glad you bit the bullet, sounds like an awesome run too!!!!

Nikki CB said...

That is awesome! Can't wait to hear more.