Sunday, July 24, 2011


My buddies and I did our 5K "race" yesterday, as a nice loop around part of campus. Our goal was to run 5K with a pace under 9 min/mi. Guess what?? We SHATTERED that goal! I was hoping we'd be able to do something around 8:55, which is something we've never done before. What ended up happening was that we ran our first mile in 8:55 and each mile after that was faster than the previous mile. Our splits were 8:55, 8:37. 8:06 and then some seconds after that for the last .14 miles we ran (it was a tidge over 5K, but the route I made started and ended at the exact same spot, so I think we earn some points for having a route so close to 5K!). Overall pace: 8:27! Can you even believe that? I can tell you honestly that a year ago I didn't think such a thing was ever possible for me. I am totally stoked! (My last mile working backwards was under 8 minutes. Yeehaw!)

1 comment:

Martie said...

You gooooooo girl!!