Thursday, October 20, 2011

What now?

So, where am I exercise-wise with my past goals? See below. And then below that for some updated goals!

Long Term Exercise Goals:

1) Exercise at least 5 days/week.
Check. I've got 4 dance class possibilities per week, soccer once a week, and 3 days of running per week to fill up all those days.

2) Exercise between 250-300 minutes per week.
Check. See above.

3) Keep exercising when my friends move away and eventually when I move away.
The exercise buddies keep changing, but it's still working out for now. And actually, only half of my exercise relies on my buddies now, which can be a good thing.

4) Have a regular strength training routine.
Whoops. If "regular" can mean once a week, every other week, then sure. But I don't think it's enough, so I need to work on this one.

Short Term Exercise Goals:

5) Run a half marathon on April 30
Did it!

6) Run a marathon sometime in the summer of 2011
Did it!

7) Complete at least 1 triathlon before the year ends
whoops! I did a second marathon instead! Hopefully next year will be triathlon year...

8) Play me some soccer!
Doing it! Woohoo! I love soccer! goals?

1) Exercise at least 5 days/week.
2) Exercise at least 250 minutes each week (because that's the number in a study that showed weight loss to stay off)
3) Run a 10K this fall/winter in under 57 minutes.
4) Run a 5K this fall/winter faster than 26:30.
5) Attend 2 of my 4 dance classes each week, minimum.
6) Start doing regular strength training again!


brittney said...

you go Amanda!

Martie said...

I hope I don't sound trite, but I am on the sidelines cheering endlessly and I am SO proud of you!

MandaMommy said...
